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lørdag den 25. maj 2013

The Suicide Sign

Carlos Enrique Navarro: Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better.

Carlos Enrique Navarro fik i december 2012 den ide at han ville sprede et budskab omkring selvmord. Et citat blev skrevet på et papskilt, og han lagde et billede af sig selv med skiltet på sin blog.
"Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse,
suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better."
Det kan vel siges at være rettet mod nogen som går og synes at livet er noget lort, og tænker på at forlade det via et selvmord. Første halvdel kan tolkes meget konkret, som udtryk for at de fleste selvmordsforsøg mislykkedes, og ikke så sjældent netop fører til at livet bliver værre, på grund af skaderne. Men hvis det lykkedes, er der jo logisk nok ingen mulighed for at problemerne viste sig at kunne overstås. Det kan de næsten altid.

Det var en stor succes, som mange delte videre med deres netværk. Og Carlos fik gode tilbagemeldinger om at hans gestus havde gjort en forskel for manges liv. Et godt skilt kunne jo genbruges, og han har lavet sit eget meme (The Suicide Sign) hvor han fotograferer andre mennesker med skiltet. Det må jo være udtryk for at de støtter budskabet. Et glimrende meme, som fortjener spredning.

Jenna McDougall with the suicide sign

Jenna McDougall is the first female vocalist I photographed with the suicide sign. She sings for a band called Tonight Alive and is just an outstanding role model for girls everywhere. She is proof that not only can you make it in a scene mostly dominated by man but that you can do it without having to dress like a slut.(something that girls now adays think will get them places) Im so stoked that we took this photo.

Mike Perez with the suicide sign

This here is Mike Perez. If I'm not mistaken my first impression of Mike was "wow this dude is the real deal". Mike is the frontman for a band called No Bragging Rights. Unlike most bands now adays NBR writes music that deals with real issues and not money and partying. I approached Mike about the sign after hearing him talk about suicide on stage and how it's made an impact in his life. I have spent 20 days with this dude and I have nothing bad to say about him, I'm beyond stoked to call him friend.

Lora: My life isn't totally fucked up

This is Lora (pronounced Laura but she insisted it was spelled Lora haha) she is a 53 year old homeless lady I met today in Nashville. I asked her why she has never considered suicide as an escape to her life and she said “because there is no need for that and to be frank my life isn’t totally fucked up”. I laughed and said “I couldn’t agree more”. After exchanging some stories I thanked her for the time and gave her a few bucks. She said “man I wish I got money just to talk, I’d be talking to everyone all the time, do you have to leave cause I can keep talking” lol. Lora is an awesome lady and I wish more people looked at life with as much appreciation as she does. Lora if you ever see this I want you to know you’re awesome.


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