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onsdag den 7. januar 2015

Jesus and Mo: Islam og terrorisme

Mo: I'm all for free speech, but there must be an international law against the defamation of religion.
Jesus: By religion you mean Islam, don't you?
Mo: Well, yes - because it is Islam which is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism.
Jesus: I know - by human rights violators and terrorists!
Mo: Thats exactly what I mean, Jesus, it has to stop.
Jesus: You want to stop human rights violators and terrorists acting in the name of Islam?
Mo: No, I want to stop people pointing it out.
Jesus: But it's true.
Mo: Shut up!

Jesus and Mo er en humoristisk tegneserie om Jesus og Muhammed, dog således at den sidste er tegnet via en stedfortræder, som ligner meget. Altså ikke nogen tegning af profeten selv!

100 piskeslag, hvis du ikke dør af grin!
Charlie Hebdo: 100 piskeslag, hvis du ikke dør af grin!


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